PVox Generators

PVox has generator functions built-in to ease in the process of creating voice lines and other player expressions.

To access these generator functions, simply call the global PVox object.


PVox's GenerateSimilarNames function does what you think it does. Generates similar names of files.

The signature is as follows: (from definitions.lua)

--- Generates a table with similar file names. E.g. if you have multiple audio files that are in the format a1.wav, a2.wav, a3.wav, you can
--- use this function to, instead of writing them all out, create a table that automatically generates the names.
---@param amount number      how many names you want to generates
---@param common_name string the common name between all of the files
---@param ext string         the common extension between all the files
---@param zeroes boolean     should zeroes be appended to the filenames < 10? (e.g. a01.wav instead of a1.wav)
---@param prefix string      an (optional) appended prefix for the numbers. e.g. a_01.wav, '_' is the prefix. To disable it, use "" as the prefix for a name like a01.wav
function PVox:GenerateSimilarNames(amount, common_name, ext, zeroes, prefix) end


To use the function, simply add it into the sound table you would like to define.

From css_ct.lua:

-- ...
    ["enemy_killed"] = PVox:GenerateSimilarNames(3, "playervox/modules/css/enemy_down", "wav", false, ""),
-- ...

This function works because the playervox/modules/css/ directory, looks like this:


Therefore, the table automatically (and lazily) assumes that these files exist, and create the table with the proper file paths. The extension can also be changed for files that are not .WAV.